Track 026: How My Social Media Fast Went

So if you know me personally you know I’ve been doing social media fast since March 16th. This is a part of a fast my church is doing, and in addition to not going on social media, we are also not speaking negatively. We also had to pick three sacrifices that were specific to our own lives. Mine have been no watching (or streaming!) any of the current shows I’m watching, not going on YouTube, and not having any snacks. I get a “break” on weekends, but this does not mean I go overboard when that time comes! It ends on April 10th and being halfway through now, I figured I would reflect on how it’s been so far. 

When I first started the fast I was only concerned about one thing: missing music drops. We all have our post notifications on for our favorite artists and seeing them tweet out a link for new music is a fantastic feeling. However, this fear was quickly alleviated when I realized I could still see New Releases on my Spotify. Being that these drops happened on Friday nights at midnight I still however was not able to see the initial reactions of the world which is something I enjoy doing. Sure, I could search it once the weekend came, but it just wouldn’t be the same to have that experience in real time as everyone is hearing the same thing at the same time. Also, fortunately my Google News updates tell me what’s dropped and other happenings in the worlds I care about – so it’s not like I’m completely cut off.

By not scrolling through TLs every hour or so I’ve been able to get MUCH more writing done. As you’ve seen here, I was able to put out THREE articles last week. And, once I returned to social media and promoted the articles, people shared/reposted them just likely usually would. This reassured me that even in my absence people still cared about my content. 

Before doing this, the concept of it was something I thought would be impossible. I was worried I would miss out on things happening in the world. I was worried that people may have thought something had happened. However, the latter could easily be avoided if I just announced it ahead of time. In some instances, this is something some people see as unnecessary. They view it as if you really are doing it for your own benefits then it does not need an announcement. This is just like people posting about how they’re “moving in silence” and “Quiet but peep everything”. Anyway, I wondered how I could go without something I used every day. I’d definitely say that OVERALL I am definitely much more an observer than I am someone who posts content regularly. With that being said, I was more concerned with what I would not be able to see and not what I couldn’t share. But, with me cooking more and more lately, I was pressed about people not being able to see what I made on the day I made it. I soon realized I could also get past this by just putting all the pictures from the week on my story once the weekend came. This seems to be a sure fire way to get engagement lately as people hype them up every time I share them. 

Getting this far just shows me I have to get through the same amount of time again which I know I can and I will. 

This article will continue once the fast ends.

I’m on the final week of the fast now and and today is Wednesday April 8th. I thought it ended on April 16th which would have been a 30 day fast but now know it actually ends on Resurrection Sunday.  Still, at this point, not being on social media just feels like the normal routine. The feeling of “missing out” is completely gone save for the live concerts/music battles that have been happening! Aside from that however, I am doing just fine. In addition to the book I was already reading titled Rising Phoenix I also downloaded an eBook titled Agent Zero and an audiobook titled next door. I’ve already started the former which has been very interesting so far as far as the content itself but I also like how the pages look on my phone and how there’s a little “turning the page” visual effect too! In addition to this, I’ve also been watching more movies weekly than usual which you can read all about in the WIWTW Series right here on my website!

I feel this fast has done a great service to me specifically in the social media and snacks department and I actually plan to continue it…with a little modification! My goal is not to scroll social media until after 7pm each night and not have any snacks until after 7pm.  Another goal is to only be on YouTube for TWO hours every day. (Okay…one hour on MWF and two hours on TTH!) The “break” on weekends still applies though!

It’s now Monday April 13th and the fast is officially over. I already have spent less time than on social media than I did before the fast and I don’t feel the need to keep checking it at all. I feel I have been more focus for content creation now and am excited to get into this week. This fast was nothing but beneficial to me and I am very glad I participated in it.

Can you see yourself doing social media fast too? Go for it! I believe in you.

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